Ann Shulgin

Foto von Ann Shulgin, 2006 von John Hanna

Ann Shulgin is a researcher and writer who worked with psychedelics such as MDMA and 2C-B for three years as a lay-therapist while they were still legal. She has unique and valuable insights into the beneficial effects that psychedelics can have in therapeutic contexts and has made herself a spokesperson for those who continue to do such work.

With her husband Sasha, she has co-authored the books PIHKAL and TIHKAL, and they are working together on Book Three in that series. Ann continues to speak at conferences, particularly about the healing potential of MDMA and psychedelics, and is a respected elder in the psychedelic community.

PSI-TV Veröffentlichungen

I will begin with a brief history of psychedelic psychotherapy as I experienced it — using MDMA as the primary drug — and outlining the typical therapy session as I, and those I knew personally, conducted it.

Ich beginne mit einer kurzen Geschichte der Psychedelischen Psychotherapie wie ich sie erlebte – mit MDMA als Primärsubstanz – und umreiße die typischen Therapie-Sitzungen und wie ich und andere mir bekannte Therapeuten solche leiteten.


  • Ann Shulgin, Alexander Shulgin: Pihkal – A Chemical Love Story. Transform Press, Berkeley 1991, ISBN 0-9630096-0-5. (online)
  • Ann Shulgin, Alexander Shulgin: TIHKAL, the Continuation. Transform Press, Berkeley 1997, ISBN 0-9630096-9-9. (online)


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